I'm originally from Ohio, and received a bachelor's degree in creative writing and history.  After that, joined the Peace Corps and taught English at a language focused high school in Kurdzhali, Bulgaria.  I currently live in Jersey City, New Jersey and work in New York City.

Photography wasn't something that I intended to get into, but it kind of snuck up on me while preparing for a trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico.  I fell in love with the medium, and began acquiring all manner of analog camera gear and shooting on my lunch break and weekends.  There are endless paeans to the magic and ineluctable nature of analog photography, so I won't bore you, but I agree with some of it, even while acknowledging that it's a bit silly.  But there really is something about capturing light -- physically, suspended on a piece of celluloid -- that I find endlessly captivating.

I'm also a writer by training and occasional inclination.  I am the associate literature editor for Ghettoblaster Magazine, and I've written reviews and produced and edited podcasts over at The Lancet.

FlickrTwitter / aaronvandorn@gmail.com